Monday, August 14, 2017

Repentance is not Self improvement

I've got this cousin. He's delightful. And all the time he tells me stuff that make me think "That's true, but I'm not sure how. I'd never said it that way before." which is exactly the kind of person that I want it my life.
So you know those days that you wake up in the morning and everything is just gross? Cause maybe hormones or maybe tests or maybe just life is hard? What do you do on those days?

I think I usually go run 3 miles and listen to a podcast. 
Sometimes, I curl my hair. Or make a really great lunch and clean the whole kitchen. 

These are all pretty empirically good things to do. But I think that's why I do them. I'm trying to prove to inner Josie that I'm a smart competent lady who eats salads with avocados and homeade dressing so definitely my life is together. In a slightly more cynical version, I'm presenting my coiffed life to everyone else. Regardless, there's nothing there that implies actual change. 

What if when I woke up on those mornings, I spent an extra 5 minutes in prayer? What if I changed my heart and learned more love of self and others? What if I let God be in control instead of my hair straightener?
Then it would be called repenting.