Thursday, May 26, 2016


I'm taking the GRE tomorrow. That might mean that I should be going to sleep.

Readiness is a strange thing to me. I don't know if I've ever felt ready.


Seems like I'm standing on a lot of ledges these days. We talk about climbing the ladder of success (bop to the top anyone?) and the steps upwards, but that doesn't really capture it for me. I certainly concur with the sentiment of rising; we're commanded to rise upwards and be like Him. That's the greatest thing we can do. However, I'm still just one of the Littles on a step, not able to peek over and know what's below, but trusting that I have to jump down, and somehow that will help me go up. It doesn't make sense, but it works wonderfully? That's Jesus.

So on the edge of another precipice, (admittedly this is not a very large one because me+standardizedtests=besties (secretly, (you can tell that this is a legit secret when you have to put it in a parentheses^3) I'm a little excited. Adrenaline, endorphins, woot.)) I'm going to bed. Two feet first tomorrow. Wishing the same for you!